Adress: Dornweg 12 I-39026 Prato allo Stelvio
REA: BZ - 117354
Tax number: 01387610213
CIN Camping Sägemühle: IT021067B14NZ894UU
CIN Residence Sägemühle: IT021067B4NZD4J4BF
VAT Nr: 01387610213
Phone: +39 0473 864 410
Legal representative: Karin Albert Wunderer
Cookis GmbH
Franz-Xaver-Rennstraße 4
6460 Imst
+43 5412 21346
UID: ATU 66026711
MTS online GmbH
tofisch I villa I verde
Anton Peintner Weg 4
39030 Vintl - Südtirol
Tel. +39 0472 869368
webwg Srl - Your SEO- & Web Agency in Merano, South Tyrol
+39 0473 424202 |
Camping Residence Sägemühle
Tourismusverein Prad
Vinschgau Marketing
Grüner Thomas
Frieder Blickle
SMG - Südtirol Marketinggesellschaft
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Camping Residence Sägemühle, Via delle Spine 12, 39026 Prato allo Stelvio, South Tyrol / Italy
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: